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Найдено неизвестное письмо Бетховена

В Германии обнаружено письмо, принадлежащее перу Людвига ван Бетховена и датированное 1823 годом. В нем великий композитор жалуется на плохое здоровье и нехватку денег: "Мои низкие доходы и болезни заставляют меня желать лучшей участи", - пишет Бетховен своему приятелю Францу Штокхаузену. Однако, большая часть шестистраничного документа посвящена просьбе помочь найти "спонсоров" для "Торжественной мессы", которую композитор считал важнейшим из произведений, над которыми работал в это время.


Samuel Geiser. Неизвестный портрет 13-летнего Бетховена

While working on Beethoven iconography at the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich in 1989, I came across the typescript of an unpublished article, "Ein bisher unbekanntes Bildnis Ludwig van Beethovens aus seinem 13. Lebensjahr," written ca. 1976 by the Swiss musicologist Samuel Geiser. Known for his book Beethoven und die Schweiz: zum 150. Todestag Beethovens (Zurich and Stuttgart: Rotapfel, 1976), Geiser has devoted himself for many years to a study of Beethoven's portraits.

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Unheard Beethoven Live! (20.09.2001)

September 20th, 2001, was a great day for the Unheard Beethoven and lovers of Beethoven's music. The National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Leonard Slatkin, on that date premiered our own Willem's realization of Beethoven's sketches for the proposed opera Macbeth, Biamonti 454, which can be heard here.

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Сохранить коллекцию рукописей Бетховена (14.03.2002)

The British Library is appealing to the public to help it raise the money to buy an archive of original musical scores that includes the manuscript for Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

The library needs to raise Ј200,000 more to meet the Ј1m asking figure for the Royal Philharmonic Society's collection.

The society's collection includes working papers, minute books and correspondence with great composers and performers.

It contains 250 manuscript scores, and took 250 years to build up.

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Рукопись Бетховена продана за рекордную цену (8.12.1999)

A Ludwig van Beethoven manuscript discovered in a stately home has been sold at Sotheby's auctioneers for Ј166,500.

The string quartet movement, lasting 52 seconds, was bought by a Geneva manuscript museum, the Bodmer Foundation, which bid the most money ever paid for a single sheet of Beethoven music.

The piece, written by Beethoven in Vienna in 1817 for a young English traveller called Richard Ford, was discovered in the collection of the Molesworth St Aubyn family at Pencarrow House near Bodmin, Cornwall.

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"Премьера" сочинения Бетховена

An overture constructed from an unfinished work by Beethoven will get its premiиre in Washington next month.

The German composer began writing the overture to an opera based on Shakespeare's Macbeth in 1810 - but it was abandoned and left unperformed.

But a Dutch composer and computer programmer has pieced together parts from collections across Europe to create the eight-minute piece.

"It was very exciting when the piece sprang together for the first time" - Willem Holsbergen

It will be performed for the first time by the National Symphony Orchestra on 20 September.

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Девятая Бетховена принесла 1.3 миллиона

The earliest-known draft of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony has been sold for a record-breaking Ј1.3m at auction.

Described by auction house Sotheby's as one of the most important documents of the German composer, it had been expected to fetch up to Ј200,000.

The single-sheet manuscript was sold to an anonymous telephone bidder at the London auction house, a record for any Beethoven document.

It was put up for sale by an unnamed charitable foundation which supports music education.

The work shows Beethoven's first attempts at the opening of the epic piece, completed in 1823.

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В США найдена рукопись Людвига Ван Бетховена (17 ноября 2005)

Впервые в истории музыканты получили возможность взглянуть на черновик последнего значительного произведения Бетховена "Большая Фуга". Манускрипт композитора пропал из виду в конце 19 века. Его случайно нашeл библиотекарь духовной семинарии Палмер на окраине Филадельфии.

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