WoO 112: An Laura, песня для голоса и фортепиано

Время создания: 1792 год

У песни Бетховена "An Laura" ("Лауре") необычная история: она впервые была опубликована в виде пьесы для фортепиано в Вене в 1826 году, как Багатель Opus 119, №12. Исследователь Бетховена Георг Кински напечатал версию для голоса и фортепиано в 1916 году (Musikhistorisches Museum von Wilhelm Heyer, Cöln: Katalog)

Peter Schreier, тенор
Walter Olbertz, фортепиано

Friedrich von Matthisson's (1761-1831) poetry was very much in fashion at the end of the eighteenth century and continued to interest composers into the nineteenth century. Beethoven set several of Matthisson's texts, including "Adelaide," op. 46, and "Opferlied," WoO 126, while Schubert composed over thirty setting of Matthisson's poems. "An Laura" was published while Beethoven lived in Bonn, and the young composer may have completed his song before he moved to Vienna.

With a sentimental tone typical of Matthisson, the narrator of "An Laura" wishes someone (Laura, presumably) joy that is more beautiful than innocence, and peace of mind until they meet again. He envisions the seraphim descending and transporting her soul heavenward, and the last of her days being "ein Sonnenuntergang in Mai" ("a sunset in May").

Beethoven's partially strophic setting is equally sentimental. The first two strophes are set to the same music, and feature arching, major-mode melodies, introduced and closed by the piano. An abrupt change occurs at the beginning of the final verse, with a shift to the minor and a recitative-like voice part singing of the harmonious sound of heaven's judgement, for Laura evidently led a perfect life. For the last two lines, Beethoven returns, if not to the exact music of the first two strophes, then certainly the atmosphere, as a friend at Laura's graveside tells Laura how lucky she is to have died during a sunset in May.

(John Palmer)

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Friedrich von Matthisson (1761-1831), из Wanderjahre in Deutschland (1784-1787)

An Laura

Freud' umblühe dich auf allen Wegen,
Schöner als sie je die Unschuld fand,
Seelenruh, des Himmels bester Segen
Walle dir wie Frühlingshauch entgegen,
Bis zum Wiedersehn im Lichtgewand!

Lächelnd wird der Seraph niederschweben,
Der die Palme der Vergeltung trägt,
Aus dem dunkeln Thal zu jenem Leben
Deine schöne Seele zu erheben,
Wo der Richter unsre Thaten wägt.

O dann töne Gottes ernste Waage
Wonne dir, von jedem Misklang frei,
Und der Freund an deinem Grabe sage:
Glückliche! der lezte deiner Tage
War ein Sonnenuntergang im Mai!