Прелюдия и Фуга для двух скрипок и виолончели e-moll, Hess 29



Lukas Hagen, скрипка
Rainer Schmidt, скрипка
Clemens Hagen, виолончель

Сочинение относится к периоду занятий Бетховена с Альбрехтсбергером (Johann Georg Albrechtsberger). Albrechtsberger was a highly praised pedagogue; Beethoven, too, was among his pupils. It was this composer that studied with Albrechtsberger from January 1794 to March/May 1795.1 Together with Beethoven, Albrechtsberger researched all forms of the counterpoint, which is most manifest in the large number of exercises passed down; over 300 studies, fugues etc. have been preserved with corrections and alterations by Albrechtsberger. During this period of study, greater works were also composed, such as the Dona Nobis Pacem (Hess A57), the Prelude and Fugue in e (Hess 29), the Prelude and Fugue in F (Hess 30), and in C (Hess 31).