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Первая версия, время создания: до марта 1805 г.
Автор текста: Christoph August Tiedge
Die du so gern in heil`gen Nächten feierst
Und sanft und weich den Gram verschleierst,
Der eine zarte Seele quält,
O Hoffnung! Lass, durch dich empor gehoben,
Den Dulder ahnen, dass dort oben
Ein Engel seine Tränen zählt!
Wenn, längst verhallt, geliebte Stimmen schweigen;
Wenn unter ausgestorb`nen Zweigen
Verödet die Erinn`rung sitzt:
Dann nahe dich, wo dein Verlass`ner trauert
Und, von der Mitterwacht umschauert,
Sich auf versunk`ne Urnen stützt.
Und blickt er auf, das Schicksal anzuklagen,
Wenn scheidend über seinen Tagen
Die letzten Strahlen untergehn:
Dann lass ihn um den Rand des Erdentraumes
Das Leuchten eines Wolkensaumes
Von einer nahen Sonne sehn!
Дитрих Фишер-Дискау, баритон
Jörg Demus, фортепиано
The first time Beethoven set this text, he presented it to Countess Josephine Deym-Brunsvik, whom many believe might have been his "Immortal Beloved." Her husband had just died, he was very much in love with her, and it is quite possible that by selecting this text, "To Hope," he himself was expressing hopes for a more intimate relationship. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for those who enjoy speculation more than contemplation of facts), it is uncertain whether his romantic feelings were returned, though she did not remarry until almost three years after a breach in their friendship, which occurred around 1807.
(Anne Feeney, Rovi)
Anfang 1805
Beethoven's first musical version of the song "An die Hoffnung" (To hope) op. 32 was written in February/March 1805. He used a text from "Urania" by Christoph August Tiedge (1752-1841) - a lyric and didactic poem taken from the second reviewed edition from 1803. Beethoven did not dedicate the piece to anybody but gave it to his friend Josephine Deym, as she told her mother on March 24, 1805 in a letter: The good Beethoven made me a nice present, a fine song he wrote following a text taken from Urania "An die Hoffnung".
The song's title " An die Hoffnung" was interpreted particulary with reference to Josephine Deym, who was considered Beethoven's immortal lover for a long time. However, Helga Lühning, publisher of the book "Lieder und Gesänge" in the new Beethoven complete edition, could prove that Beethoven did not make up the title as Schürmann und Tellenbach presumed. Therefore, the song does not have anything to do with the immortal lover but is part of Tiedge's table of contents.
Beethoven still had some intentions when he gave Josephine the song as a letter dated March/April 1805 shows. The song's manuscript - autograph or revised copy - probably bore a personal dedication which Prince Karl Lichnowsky saw when visiting Beethoven. In a letter, the composer reassured Josephine who was worried that rumours might come up about her relationship to Beethoven. Beethoven played the situation down: The matter is not as bad as you, my beloved J.(osephine) might think. L. accidentally saw the song at my place but did not mention it and concluded that I had special feelings for you. (Original quote in Beethoven complete edition (BGA) 216) (J.R.)