A QUINTET OF STRINGS In 1800 Prince Lichnowsky gave Beethoven a gift of a quartet of strings consisting of an Amati violin of 1690; a second violin by Guarneri of Cremona, 1718; a viola made by Vincenzo Rugero detto il Per, Cremona, 1690, and a cello by Andrea Guarneri, Cremona, 1675. Schuppanzigh and his ensemble played Beethoven's quartets on these instruments. In the same glass case in which these are exhibited we see the viola which Beethoven played from 1786 to 1792, that is, before he left Bonn. (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
AN ERARD PIANO OWNED By BEETHOVEN Prince Lichnowsky had ordered two pianos from Erard in Paris ( 1805), one of which was a present to Beethoven. Beethoven was not completely satisfied with this precious instrument, since even at that time he dreamed of instruments which would have the capacity to express more adequately and more sensitively the musical tempests he could release. There are only three pianos in existence which were Beethoven's property without doubt: in addition to this Erard, the two instruments by Broadwood and Graf. (Collection of the Museum of Linz, exhibited at the Art Museum of Vienna)
PIANO FROM THE WORKSHOP OF THOMAS BROADWOOD After an unsigned drawing In 1818 Beethoven received a beautiful instrument from the English manufacturer Thomas Broadwood of London. The beauty of its sound and the extraordinary technical possibilities inherent in the workmanship gave the recipient extraordinary joy. He turned his Erard over to his brother Johann and played only the Broadwood which, to his dying day, was his most faithful friend. Subsequently the piano became the property of Franz Liszt. ( National Museum, Budapest)
PIANO FROM THE WORKSHOP OF KONRAD GRAF, VIENNA When the Broadwood showed signs of deterioration due to daily use and the incessant demands made on it by its owner, Konrad Graf, a Viennese manufacturer of pianos, offered the master one of his instruments. It was put end to end with the Broadwood in Beethoven's room where it remained throughout his life. Graf bought it back from the estate. (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)