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COUNTESS MARIE ERDÖDY, NÉE NISZKY (1779-1837) Miniature, ivory This portrait of his faithful friend--Beethoven called her his "father confessor"--was found in his desk after his death. In 1801 when despair overtook him while deafness was developing he had found refuge at the home of this warmhearted woman, who put him up in her farm Idlersee. Later he worked there frequently. -- After a temporary discord followed by reconciliation the Countess in 1809 (when Beethoven had turned down an appointment by Jerome, King of Westphalia) saw to it that the agreement between Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf, Prince Lobkowitz and Prince Kinsky was concluded. ( Bodmer, Zürich)
TWO TRIOS FOR PIANO, VIOLIN AND CELLO, OPUS 70 Title page with dedication to Countess Erdödy These Trios were composed in 1808 and played in the Countess' drawing room, perhaps as a sign of their reconciliation. They were published by Breitkopf & Härtel in 1809. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
TWO SONATAS FOR PIANO AND CELLO, OPUS 102 Title page of the original edition Both sonatas were composed in 1815 and were published in 1819 at the same time by Simrock in Bonn and Artaria in Vienna. Beethoven had written on a copy of the manuscript: "Composed and dedicated to his friend Charles Neates." However, the Artaria edition bore the dedication: "Dedicated to the Countess Marie Erdödy, née Countess Niszky." ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)