The Countess, a cousin of the sisters Brunswick, in 1801 Became Beethoven's pupil. He felt so passionately about her that he asked her to marry him. Her parents refused, which threw Beethoven into despair. Schindler and others believed Giulietta to be the "Immortal Beloved." However, the assertion is Based on tenuous documentation.
GIULIETTA GUIGCIARDI Miniature, ivory After Beethoven's death the portrait was found in hi desk. (Bodmer, Zürich)
GIULIETTA GUICCIARDI Portrait not signed In 1803 she married Count Gallenberg, composer of ballets, who later became a theatrical director. The marriage was unhappy. ( National Library, Vienna)
GIULIETTA, WIFE OF COUNT ROBERT GALLENBERG (1784-1856) Marble by Schweikle (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
"SONATA QUASI UNA FANTASIA," C SHARP MINOR, OPUS 27, No. 2, SO-CALLED "MOONLIGHT SONATA" Title page with dedication to Countess Guicciardi The Sonata was composed in 1801 and published by J. Cappi in Vienna in 1802. ( van Hoboken, Ascona)
FIRST PAGE OF THE MANUSCRIPT OF THE MOONLIGHT SONATA The first and the last page of this manuscript are lost. It begins with the third page, measure fourteen of the first movement. ( Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
PAGES FROM ONE OF THE "CONVERSATION BOOKLETS" That Beethoven's passion for Giulietta did not remain unreciprocated may be seen from these pages. This written conversation between the deaf teacher and Schindler, his pupil and biographer, took place in 1823 in a café in Vienna. Beethoven uses French in answering in order to divert indiscreet onlookers. The marriage of Giulietta had taken place twenty years before. ( Former State Library, Berlin) Here is the text: √ J'étois bien aimé d'elle, plus que jamais [ne le fut] son époux. Il étoit pourtant plutôt son amant, que moi. Mais, par elle, j'en apprenois de sa misère et je trouvois un homme de bien, qui me donnoit la somme de cinq cents [florins] pour le soulager. Il étoit toujours mon ennemi et c'étoit justement la raison que je [lui] fasse tout le bien que possible. ∛