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LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Portrait by Stefan Decker This portrait was probably created in Beethoven's apartment in 1824. ( Historical Museum of the City of Vienna)
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (about 1823) Engraving after a drawing by Martin Tejcek Contrary to general belief, Beethoven attached great importance to his wardrobe. Thus Schindler reports that his shirts and collars were always immaculately white and that his wardrobe was comprised of a selection of wellcared-for suits. (Bodmer, Zürich)
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1825) Crayon with water color by Joseph Weidner Beethoven is shown here from the back and gesticulating with a cane held in his right hand. (Bodmer, Zürich)
BEETHOVEN WALKING IN THE RAIN Pen and water color by J. N. Hoechle Beethoven is seen here during bad weather wrapped in a raincoat and covering the right side of his face.
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN SEEN FROM PROFILE Portrait by Joseph Daniel Böhm Both Böhm drawings are probably from the year 1820
BEETHOVEN IN THE STREETS OF VIENNA Drawing by J. P. Lyser Published in 1853 in the periodical Cäcilia in Hamburg, the drawing is accompanied by this caption: "Beethoven is pictured here as he was during the last years of his life when he half-ran and rushed through the streets of Vienna instead of promenading." (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Two portraits by J. P. Lyser It is almost proved that Lyser never saw Beethoven. One is therefore forced to believe that he had at his disposal sketches no longer known today; they served him well for the realization of his later famous drawings. (Private Collection; Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN After a drawing by J. P. Lyser (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)