JOHANN ANDREAS STREICHER (1761-1833) Bronze bust by Franz Klein Streicher, who had been Schiller's friend, married Nanette, the daughter of a famous piano manufacturer of Augsburg. Having entered the business of his fatherin-law, he transplanted it to Vienna where it soon acquired considerable reputation. Streicher became an intimate friend of Beethoven who advised him with regard to the manufacturing of his instruments. (Streicher Family, Vienna)
NANETTE STREICHER, NÉE, STEIN (1760-1833) Water color A great music lover and truly talented pianist, Frau Streicher met all the important virtuosos of Vienna in the reception rooms of the piano firm. She made Beethoven's acquaintance, too, and beginning in 1812 became his real guardian angel. Unselfishly and devotedly she helped him solve his domestic problems--and these were numerous--and she was never daunted by his financial difficulties or the pettiness of her tasks. (Streicher Family, Vienna)
CONCERT HALL OF THE PIANO FIRM STREICHER IN VIENNA Lithograph by F. X. Sandmann after G. Lahn At the beginning of the nineteenth century concerts in this hall were frequent and Beethoven himself was heard here on occasion. ( Historical Museum of the City of Vienna)
PAGE, FROM BEETHOVEN'S BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNTS (Summer, 1825) The page, written in ink, contains the daily expenses of the housekeeper of which he kept close track. Of Beethoven's hand are only the notes written in pencil. ( Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
QUESTIONS PUT TO NANETTE STREICHER BY BEETHOVEN Beethoven in 1817 asked his friend Nanette Streicher to reorganize his household which had become troublesome to him. The questions on the left side are written by Beethoven himself, the answers on the right are in Nanette's hand. ( Former State Library, Berlin) CERTIFICATE FURNISHED BY BEETHOVEN TO HIS MAID (March 17, 1823) This certificate for his maid Therese Kaufmann is entirely written in Beethoven's hand and testifies to his great concern with domestic problems. (Collection Figdor, Vienna)