36. THE MASS IN C MAJOR (1807)

PRINCE NICOLAUS ESTEPHÁZY (1765-1833) Colored engraving Just as had his father, Prince Nicolaus entrusted Haydn with the direction of his orchestra. Haydn introduced Beethoven to the Prince who received him most cordially. To the Princess Esterházy Beethoven dedicated his opus 45, the "Three Grand Marches for Piano, four hands." ( National Library, Vienna)
C MAJOR MASS FOR FOUR VOICES, CHORUS AND ORCHESTRA, opus 86 Prince Esterházy in 1807 commissioned Beethoven to write a Mass for the anniversary of the Princess. This gave Beethoven an opportunity to treat the liturgical text in a personal and novel manner and therefore indicated the road that later led to his magnificent "Missa Solemnis." However, used to traditional music, the Prince was not pleased with the work the execution of which, under the composer's direction, also left much to be desired. As a result the relations between Beethoven and the Prince deteriorated and ended entirely when, in 1812, the Mass was published with the dedication to Prince Kinsky. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)