«Музыка для Освящения дома», Hess 118

Musik zu Carl Meisls Gelegenheitsfestspiel "Die Weihe des Hauses", Hess 118

Время создания: 1822 год.

В 1811 Бетховен написал музыку к спектаклю "Афинские развалины" (Die Ruinen von Athen), op. 113, по одноименной пьесе Коцебу (August von Kotzebue), посвященному открытию нового театра в г. Пешт. Это же произведение должно было быть исполнено и на открытии венского театра Theater in der Josefstadt в 1822 году. Однако, автор либретто Carl Meisl изменил текст номеров 1, 6, 7 и 8, чем Бетховен был недоволен, т.к. новый текст не соответствовал музыке. Meisl также ввел номер Wo sich die Pulse, для которого Бетховен написал новую музыку (WoO 98). Кроме того, он написал совершенно новую увертюру, изменил и добавил некоторые музыкальные номера.

Die Weihe des Hauses, Ouvertüre, op. 124
Maestoso e sostenuto - Allegro con brio
No. 1 Unsichtbarer Chorus. "Folge dem mächtigen Ruf der Ehre!"
Andante poco sostenuto
(Op.113 No.1 "Tochter des mächtigen Zeus")
No. 2 Duett: "Ohne Verschulden Knechtschaft dulden"
Andante con moto - Poco piu mosso
(= Op.113 No.2)
No. 3 Chor der Derwische
Allegro, ma non troppo
(= Op.113 No.3)
No. 4 Marcia alla turca
(= Op.113 No.4)
No. 5 Chor mit Sopran-Solo, WoO 98. "Wo sich die Pulse jugendlich jagen" - "Laßt uns im Tanze"
Allegro ma non troppo e un poco maestoso
No. 6 Marsch mit Chor, op. 114. "Schmückt die Altäre!"
Assai moderato
No. 7 Musik hinter der Szene [Melodram]. "Es wandelt schon das Volk in Feierkleide" (Rezitation)
Allegro assai ma non troppo
(= Op.113 No.5)
No. 8 Rezitativ, Chor und Arie mit Chor (= Op.113 Nos. 6a & 7):
Rezitativ: "Mit reger Freude, die nie erkaltet"
Poco Adagio
Chor: "Wir tragen empfängliche Herzen im Busen"
Allegretto, ma non troppo
Arie mit Chor: "Will unser Genius noch einen Wunsch"
No. 9 Chor: "Heil unserm König!"
Allegro con fuoco
(= Op.113 No.8)

Berliner Philharmoniker, Claudio Abbado


Commissioned by Carl Friedrich Hensler, Beethoven's Overture to Die Weihe des Hauses (Consecration of the House) was composed in September 1822 for the opening of Vienna's Theater in der Josephstadt in the following month. Carl Meisl, commissioner of the Royal Imperial Navy, had putatively composed two pieces for the opening of the theater; what he had actually done, however, was to change the texts of numbers 1, 6, 7, and 8 of Beethoven's ballet Die Ruinen von Athen (The Ruins of Athens), Op. 113, which had been written for the opening of the German Theater in Pest in 1812. Beethoven was not pleased with the revision, for he felt that some of the new text did not fit the music. Meisl had also introduced a section, "Wo sich die Pulse," for which Beethoven wrote new music (WoO 98), in addition to this all-new overture.


Consecration of the House (or Die Weihe des Hauses), op.124, is a work by Ludwig van Beethoven composed in September 1822. It was commissioned by Carl Friedrich Hensler, the Director of Vienna’s new Theater in der Josefstadt, and was first performed at the theatre's opening on October 3, 1822. It was the first work Beethoven wrote after studying the works of J. S. Bach and Handel, and bears their influence.

Previously, in 1811, Beethoven had written The Ruins of Athens (Die Ruinen von Athen), op. 113, incidental music for August von Kotzebue's play of the same name, for the dedication of a new theatre in Pest. This same work was to be performed again in 1822 for the new theatre in Vienna. However, Carl Meisl, the commissioner of the Royal Imperial Navy, changed the texts of numbers 1, 6, 7, and 8 of Beethoven's work. Beethoven was not pleased with the revision, and felt that the new text did not fit the music. Meisl also introduced a section, Wo sich die Pulse, for which Beethoven wrote new music (WoO 98). Beethoven wrote a completely new overture for the work, altered some of the musical numbers, and added others, including a final chorus with violin solo and ballet. This new overture is known as the Consecration of the House Overture. (The extra incidental pieces constitute the entire work.)